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Refractory linings is an important part in industrial furnaces.However, these linings can crack and become damaged by thermal cycling, chemical reactions, or mechanical impacts. Repairing these problems is critical to maintaining the integrity and performance of refractory linings. The following are something you need to pay attention to when repairing the refractory lining.
The first step to repair refractory lining is to assess the condition of the damage. The lining should be thoroughly inspected for visible cracks, spalling, and erosion. This assessment will determine the appropriate repair method and materials needed for the repairing.
It is essential to clean the surface of the refractory lining before repairing the damaged area. Remove loose debris, dust, and residue from cracks and damaged areas. Thoroughly clean the surface . Ensure that the cleaned surface is dry before proceeding to the next step.
Select the appropriate repair material based on the type of damage and the operating conditions of the kiln. Common refractory lining repair materials include refractory clay, castables and refractory plastic materials.
When you plan to repair a refractory lining, choose a refractory material that meets the current requirements of the kiln. For example, the refractoriness and mechanical properties should be in line with the current requirements of the kiln, as well as economic and sustainability considerations. For more information, read How to choose materials for refractory lining repair?
Prepare the repair materials according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Add the recommended ratio of water to the repair materials to achieve the required consistency. Thoroughly mix the repair materials then apply the repair material to the damaged area. The proper coverage and compaction can help to achieve a strong bond between the repair material and the existing refractory lining.
After applying the repair materials, cure and dry the materials according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Special attention should be paid to the temperature and humidity conditions during curing to ensure optimum strength. Do not expose the repaired area to thermal stress or excessive moisture until the repair material has fully cured.
After the repair material has cured, it should be inspected thoroughly to ensure that the repair area is structurally sound and properly bonded. Check whether there are still any signs of cracking, delamination, or delamination. If necessary, conduct non-destructive testing to verify the quality of the repair work.
Specializing in refractory materials for over 20 years, we provide professional refractory solutions for the global high temperature industry.
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